Equality and Diversity Promise

equality and diversity promise

I work within the boundaries and standards set out by my professional organisation, the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants (FPC) and the Wedding Celebrancy Commission.

I work within the boundaries and standards for celebrants as set out by the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants and Wedding Celebrancy Commission.

My equality and diversity promise ensures that I am dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture within the whole wedding industry.

It is within all of our best interests to promote equality and diversity as we eliminate discrimination.

My aim is to ensure that ALL the people I interact with are given equal opportunities, and that both of my businesses are representative of all sections of society.

Each person I deal with will be respected and valued.

This statement reinforces my commitment to providing equality and fairness to all I have the pleasure of dealing with. Together with an assurance that I will not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, sex, gender (identity and expression). Marriage, civil partnership, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief or sexual orientation as outlined in the Equality Act 2010

I am strongly opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and bias.


  • To create an environment in which individual differences are recognised and valued and celebrated.
  • To create an environment that promotes dignity and respect.
  • To not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment.~
  • To challenge and confront any such behaviour should it arise.
  • To undertake further personal development training.
  • To keep abreast of new developments within society and the wider wedding industry in terms of language and behaviour
  • To promote equality in my workspace, amongst celebrants and wider industry colleagues

I will be monitoring and reviewing this statement regularly to ensure that I continue to promote and educate others in my support of equality and diversity within the wedding industry.

#HandsOffWedding – Anti Harassment Policy

Anti-harassment Policy

You may have seen the social media coverage of the harassment that some wedding suppliers have regularly experienced at weddings. (https://kimwilliamsweddings.com/blogged/things-men-did-to-me-at-weddings-in-2021/)

After a lot of thought I’ve decided to include as part of my equality and diversity promise another promise because it’s time to make it clear to all my lovely clients that I will not tolerate harassment and inappropriate behaviour whilst I’m trying to do my job.

It’s your responsibility to make sure your guests and other suppliers behave appropriately towards me on your wedding day.

If I or anyone accompanying or shadowing me experience any inappropriate, threatening, hostile, or offensive behaviour* from any of your guests or any of your other suppliers on your wedding day, I’ll let you know in person on the day and ask you to make sure that behaviour stops immediately. I’m happy for you to nominate someone in your wedding party to take charge of this on the day (e.g. a member of the wedding party) so it isn’t brought to you directly.

If the behaviour continues after I have raised an issue on the day, I reserve the right to leave the venue for my own or my colleagues protection/safety.

This would be a last resort but I am entitled to work without harassment or other inappropriate behaviour. Sometimes the behaviour is so serious (eg sexual/physical assault) that continuing to work in the presence of that guest/supplier is not possible and simply stopping the behaviour would not be a sufficient response if they remain at the event. If the behaviour is so bad or doesn’t stop after a complaint and I feel obliged to leave the venue, I will not provide any refund for any reduced hours.

I’m asking clients to let their guests and other suppliers know about this anti-harassment policy ahead of the wedding so that people know in advance that you’re taking this matter seriously and harassment of any kind won’t be tolerated.

Inappropriate/offensive behaviour includes any unwanted physical touching of any kind, verbal harassment includes unwanted personal questions, taking/using my equipment without consent and any behaviour which is inappropriate towards a person in a workplace.

By making these equality and diversity promises, I am committing myself to work to the best of my ability to be an inclusive and welcoming supplier.

Want to work with me? Get in touch now

Every Ceremony