My Sustainability Strategy Document – Michelle Taylor 14/5/24 V4

Sustainability Strategy Document – Michelle Taylor 14/5/24 V4
- Statement of Purpose and Values
Michelle Taylor Celebrant – Life Cycle Celebrant – Statement of Purpose & Values
‘One planet, one life, let’s make it beautiful.’
Whilst we may be lucky enough to celebrate many milestones in our lives, we should be celebrating responsibly and ensuring that we do indeed take only memories and leave only footprints.
I often work in unusual venues and outdoor locations. Some are purpose-built event spaces, others are as rustic as a farmers field that has been hired for a weekend.
For me it is vitally important that we leave that space as we found it, unblemished by our detritus, save perhaps by our footprints.
I became Carbon Neutral Britain certificated in January 2023 and this investment has guaranteed a minimum of 5 tonnes of carbon offset and 30 trees planted each month.
As a carbon neutral business since January 2023, my aim is to be as sustainable as possible in all that I do, as I encourage all the families and couples who use me to think about their own footprints.
I am continuing my commitment to CNB into 2024 and have also invested in Project Seagrass in 2024 with a monthly donation to sea grass projects around the globe.
My communications will always be open and honest, you will know where I stand on any given matter from your initial enquiry with me.
To that end I have created a statement of purpose and intent with my values at the core of everything I do.
I am a sole trader, working from home. My house has solar panels fitted. I recycle, keep printed documentation to a minimum by using other methods of taking and storing data. Where I have used printed documents, these are shredded and the paper reused. I encourage online meetings rather than travelling extensively to visit couples / families where at all possible.
Whilst I do travel extensively throughout the UK I have purposefully limited the number of weddings I will officiate in any given 12 months.
I have purchased a Hybrid plug in vehicle ( May 2024) which will allow all journeys undertaken to be as close to carbon neutral as possible.
I do use locally based (Essex / Suffolk) suppliers wherever possible for sustainable and ethically produced gifts and keepsakes for my couples. I have cut down on the range of keepsakes provided to further reduce my own carbon footprint.
I do use recycled stationery, paper, card and cardboard boxes from reputable companies.
(tiny box company
(the green stationary company
I do have a green website is green hosted by Cloudflare.
My website is powered by servers that are powered by renewable energy, it is lightly coded and faster loading which makes it better for the environment.
I do offer my clients the facility of having a printed keepsake script or a downloadable one to cut down on paper wastage.
I do not encourage or support balloon releases of any type. Even with the advent of biodegradable latex rubber balloons, they will still take an inordinate amount of time to break down and can still cause harm to animals. (
I do not encourage or support the use of Chinese lanterns. For the obvious fire risk and risks to wildlife
I do not encourage or support butterfly releases, especially those of invasive species.
As a purpose driven business, my values are such an important part of who I am and what I do.
- I act with integrity at all times.
- I respect our planet and all that live on it.
- I promote collaboration over competition.
- I am open and honest in our communication.
- I embrace change, new ideas and approaches.
- I am continuously learning and improving.
- I empower my communities, giving them the confidence and support they need to thrive.
I acknowledge the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental and ensure that all and any business decisions I make take all three into consideration.
Michelle Taylor
Sustainability Strategy Document V.4. 14/5/24
To be reviewed March 2025

For more information and ideas about how we can work together get in touch now
I can’t wait to work with you and create something funky and magical.